Saturday, October 4, 2008


Merriam-Webster online defines daft as the following:

1 a: Silly, Foolish b: Mad, Insane
2 Scottish :Frivolously merry

I go into this blog with a belief that the word is generally interpreted as the first set of definitions. I of course do not see myself as either of those, but others may not agree. I also do not see myself as the second. Merry I may rarely be, but frivolously even rarer still.

So why name my blog D.A.F.T? Why be the DAFT blogger? Why assign a name that does not credit the writer with an initially good feeling?

The idea of my being daft came about while trying to explain myself in as few words possible to people who do not know me. Of course the less words you use the less nuanced you become in your assessment of anyone, but I wanted to try anyway. DAFT came to me why listing several things I generally speak of with passion.

Democrat. I am a formally registered Democrat in my home state of Oregon. I have not been of voting age long, but I do believe that I am far more able to take in information and use it to vote than many others in this country. While I vote along democratic lines, I only do so because their opinions generally follow what I myself believe. I would willingly vote against them on that which I do not agree on.

An example might be gun control, which is different in a rural area than more urban areas. Criminals are a minority when guns are involved. Most people use guns for hunting in this area. Controlling the guns of hunters should never be allowed. I do however agree that certain gun bans, such as those on felons, for overpowered/heavily automatic guns, and for concealed weapons permits, are necessary to prevent crimes. I over simplify here of course, but as this is not the topic of this post, it will have to do.

Atheist. I am an atheist. Instantly your respect for me may have diminished, but that's too bad. Atheism is the only route that makes sense to me after reviewing the information available. The facts are plain: No holy book is one hundred percent correct. Since they claim to be infallible in most cases, most religions are wrong. Any god that created everything raises the question of who created said god. Why would I take the stand of atheism then, as opposed to agnostic? Because religion is the only thing we believe in as humans we're suppose to belief in without proof. Should I believe that faeries might exist, because no one can prove that they do not conclusively, because they "work in mysterious ways" and only showed themselves to people centuries ago? My last note on the subject has to be that I misspell the word on a regular basis. That i before e thing was a joke before and doubly so today. (Quote that BS extra "except" clause that goes on forever to make up for the problems and I'll smack you. Grammar fundamentalists...)

Free-Thinker. I tend to come to my own conclusions. I may come to the same conclusion as someone else, but I doubt I came there the same way. As a free-thinker I am also more willing to change my opinion, if given significant, fact-based evidence. I generally believe that most people rarely think a genuinely unique thought. But I also submit the idea that while someones reaction to a situation may mimic that of another, the cause effect relation makes the thought unique. An astronomer seeing a new star may exclaim that it is "beautiful", mimicking many years of use for that words, and maybe even another astronomer on a star they discovered. But no astronomer has ever said that about this particular star. This of course would allow for people to claim to be original by quoting another person on a new subject, or re-working words. But I would assert that an original thought can really only be created by those not really trying to be original.

So I am Daft. Democrat. Atheist. Free-Thinker. I am starting this blog in response to the daft people I see all around me. I can't help but feel sorry for those people of the world and especially my country chained by artificial bonds put on mostly by their family and self. I hope to enlighten a few, but realize I will probably only preach to the choir. One can only do so much about religion, politics and bigotry.

And so this is personal, a way to vent. To let out the anger, sadness and fear at the world around. And hopefully to exult in small victories that show that certain factors of human thinking are slowly headed out the door.

The Daft blogger.

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